** NO Wednesday Softball Practice! See You Next Week!**


Softball Practice!

Date: 2/18/25 - 6:35 AM

Softball Practice Tuesday,
February 18th, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. at Kipper Mease.
No Wednesday Practice This Week!

We will have practice today, Tuesday, February 18th, as planned. Looks like light rain might start after 1pm.

We will have NO Wednesday Practice!

The fields will most likely be too wet and then the cold front comes in. The following week will be our last week to practice before our games start. So try to make the practices!!!

NOTE: Please check your emails for any unexpected softball practices should we get a good day to go to the field. We will also post in the Facebook Private Group, the Rainout Phone line and on this website!

Softball Practice!

Date: 2/17/25 - 5:55 pm UPDATED!

Softball Practice Tuesday,
February 18th, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. at Kipper Mease.

We might get a practice in on Tuesday, February 18th, depending on the possible rain the weather channel is predicting. It says 35% chance of rain (but that means 65% it won't), so maybe we'll get lucky. As far as the rest of the week, looks like it will definitely be too cold and/or wet. The following week will be the last week to practice before our games start. So try to make the practices!!!

NOTE: Please check your emails for any unexpected softball practices should we get a good day to go to the field. We will also post in the Facebook Private Group, the Rainout Phone line and on this website!

Softball Practice!

Date: 2/16/25

Softball Practice Monday,
February 17th, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. at Kipper Mease.

Looks like the softball field at Kipper Mease will be good to practice on for Monday, February 17th. We might also get a practice in on Tuesday, February 18th, depending on the possible rain the weather channel is predicting. It says 30% chance, so maybe we'll get lucky. As far as the rest of the week, looks like it will definitely be too cold and/or wet. The following week will be the last week to practice before our games start. So try to make the practices!!!

NOTE: Please check your emails for any unexpected softball practices should we get a good day to go to the field. We will also post in the Facebook Private Group, the Rainout Phone line and on this website!

Softball Practice Next Week!

Date: 2/9/25 - 11:51 am ------Updated!

Here is the Softball Practice Schedule for this week:

Monday, February 10th, 2025 at 9:30 AM

  1. Location: Kipper Mease Sports Complex - Pasadena, TX

Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 at 9:30 AM (Was Cancelled)

  1. Location: Kipper Mease Sports Complex - Pasadena, TX
  2. Location: Lynn Gripon Park, League City, TX

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 at 9:30 AM (Was Cancelled)

  1. Location: Kipper Mease Sports Complex - Pasadena, TX

Finally, we can have Softball Practice this week!

Date: 2/2/25 - 3:50pm

This is what the fields looked like at Kipper Mease on 2/1/25 in the afternoon. With the sunshine on Sunday and Monday, we will be good to practice at both Lynn Gripon and Kipper Mease Fields. (click for larger photo)

East Home Plate

East 2nd Base

West Home Plate

West Pitcher's Mound

Here is the Softball Practice Schedule for this week:

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 at 9:30 AM

  1. Location: Kipper Mease Sports Complex
    Pasadena, TX (East & West Fields)
  2. Lynn Gripon Park, League City, TX
    (Field Close to Dog Park)

Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 at 9:30 AM

  1. Location: Kipper Mease Sports Complex
    Pasadena, TX (East & West Fields)

Snow Covers Kipper Mease Softball Field

January 21, 2025

That's something you don't see everyday.

Kipper Mease Softball Field as of January 21st, 2025

Click for larger photo.

Champions Plaque Updated

January 16th, 2025

Just received this photo from Jack Boykin that our plaque of champions has been updated. Congratulations Glen Kubena and Terry Frederick!

Plaque of Champions